NOTE: Market Applications are open via the ConCat Reg system – look for $Vendor under Application on the side bar.
Makers Market
If you are interested in selling art or handmade goods at Woods Flock, read on.
PLEASE NOTE: MASKS ARE RECOMMENDED INSIDE THE ROOST. We will follow CDC guidance at the time so precautions are subject to change.
Due to the very limited number of spaces inside the Roost, vendors will be curated to provide a variety of products and styles. Makers are responsible for their own taxes. All goods on display should be rated for general audiences. Mature or explicit artwork may be kept in a binder available on request to adult patrons only. Manufactured merchandise will be allowed only if it features your own art. Soaps, sauces, baked goods, and other hand-crafted (by you) items will be considered as well. If desired, vendors may leave their items in the hall overnight, but the room does not lock. We will have a security volunteer, however.
Operating hours (Central time – SUBJECT TO CHANGE):
- Friday: 2 – 8 pm
- Saturday: 12 – 8pm
- Sunday: 10 – 4pm
Makers are expected to be present all 3 days unless you have an emergency or illness. Setup times are TBD. Loadout is 4-7pm Sunday. Booth may be left unattended at your discretion but it is not Woods Flock’s responsibility to watch it in your absence. If you just need a short break (30 min or less), the room is small and staff/security will be able to keep an eye out. There is bathroom located just outside, and meals can be delivered. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous sponsor, we will be able to provide meals to Makers for FREE (Assistants will need to register & pay for meal plan separately if desired) as well as waive the booth fee.
We have 8 Full booths – these include a 6 x 2.5ft table, 1 or 2 chairs (your choice) and another ~3ft behind the table (you may decline the table if you wish to use the space in another way or bring your own table) backed to a wall. You may display things on or against the wall with impermanent methods.
There are also a limited number of Small spaces available – these are half-tables with a chair and shared space behind. You may not have any part of your display behind the table and there is a height restriction of 3ft.
Performance Artists
We are interested in hosting a small number of acoustic musicians, storytellers, puppeteers, and other traditional performance artists to contribute to the programming at Woods Flock. If you are interested, please contact director (at) woodsflock (dot) com, or use the contact form on the “connect’ page. Depending on your contribution, part of your registration, meals, or lodging may be included.